Episode 11 (04/22/2019)
LISTEN In this episode: Teddy Davenport, Big Brother songs, on the road in Wisconsin, hostels and no podcast next week. Featured songs this week: "Unmade", "Through the Floor" and "Why You Love Me Now? (Live at WZRD)" Other EPS music used: "Spiderdust Sarah", "Polynya", "One Bite", "Die Like a Hero", "Irregardless", "This Time, Inside" , "The Nigel Farage Song" Homepage: http://www.epschwartz.com Facebook http://www.facebook.com/epschwartzmusic Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/ericpschwartz Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/ericpschwartz YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/epschwartzmusic Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/epschwartz Bandcamp: https://epschwartz.bandcamp.com/ Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/5HEabkzRDwe4fuIfcAz1MB?si=3p-ME6sXRcOMvwc2khH43Q